Top 9 Young Living Earners (2024)

Updated on Oct 1st, 2024
11 Mins Read
Top Young Living Earners

In the world of MLM, you will find plenty of success stories of leaders who are top earners in their respective MLM Companies. These leaders didn’t just follow the rules, they created their own path. If you are an entrepreneur looking to build your own MLM company, learning from their journeys can serve as the perfect inspiration!

In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the Top Young Living earners who have turned their passion for wellness into thriving businesses. Their stories might just be the spark you need to kickstart your own MLM success.

List of Top 9 Young Living Earners

Young Living is one of the top Essential oil MLM companies in the world today, boasting numerous success stories from its distributors. In this list, we have highlighted the 9 top Young Living earners, ranked based on their estimated monthly and yearly earnings.


Debra Raybern

Debra Raybern

Debra Raybern, a retired naturopath, master herbalist, and aromatherapist, is one of Young Living’s top earners. Her passion for wellness and natural remedies has led her to become a Royal Crown Diamond leader in the company. Debra has also authored books like Gentle Babies and Nutrition 101: Choose Life!, sharing her wisdom on family health and essential oils.Debra also stands at #88 in our list of 100 MLM top earners.

  • Country: USA

  • Monthly Income: $179,000

  • Annual Income: $2,148,000


Brenda and Scott Schuler

Brenda and Scott Schuler

Scott and Brenda have been married for 21 years and are partners in their thriving Young Living Business. While Scott wasn’t very satisfied with his white-collar job as a chiropractor, he joined his wife’s network marketing business. Alongside their success as top young living earners, Scott authored the book “Man Up”,which challenges men to stand up for their beliefs.

  • Country: USA

  • Estimated Monthly Earnings: $150,000

  • Estimated Yearly Earnings: $1,800,000


Lindsey and Evan Gremont

Lindsey and Evan Gremont

Lindsey Gremont, who spent 15 years working at IBM, started her journey toward a more natural lifestyle with her blog, where she helps moms avoid processed foods and embrace real, wholesome ingredients. Over the past nine years, her passion for DIY beauty and natural remedies with essential oils has helped her build a thriving Young Living community with thousands of members worldwide.

  • Country: USA

  • Estimated Monthly Earnings: $125,000

  • Estimated Yearly Earnings: $1,500,000


Jeanmarie Hepworth

Jeanmarie Hepworth

Jeanmarie Hepworth has been a leading figure at Young Living for over 25 Years and has achieved the Royal Crown Diamond Rank. Today, this young living top earner is associated with Zia Essential Oils, which provides high-quality Young Living oils along with training and support. Jeanmarie is deeply committed to philanthropy and has donated over $100,000 to charitable causes.

  • Country: USA

  • Estimated Monthly Earnings: $120,000

  • Estimated Yearly Earnings: $1,440,000


Carol Yeh and Scott Garner

Carol Yeh and Scott Garner

Carol Yeh Garner has a background in Clinical Social Work and Hypnotherapy. She turned her life around by discovering Young Living Essential Oils in 2013. What started as a way to support her family’s health quickly grew into a thriving business. This Young Living Top earner reached the top rank in just 27 months. Today, Carol and her husband, Scott have a strong community of over 320,000 members and continue to help others become financially independent.

  • Country: USA

  • Estimated Monthly Earnings: $100,000

  • Estimated Yearly Earnings: $1,200,000


Marcella Vonn Harting

Marcella Vonn Harting

Marcella Vonn Harting is another Young living Top earner, who has achieved the prestigious rank of Royal Crown Diamond, the highest level in the company's compensation plan. She has over decades of experience in network marketing and has built a successful business with over 2 million representatives worldwide. Marcella is also a recognized author, speaker, and mentor, known for helping others create purpose-driven lives through health and wealth.

  • Country: USA

  • Estimated Monthly Earnings: $90,000

  • Estimated Yearly Earnings: $1,080,000


Max and Karen Hopkins

Max and Karen Hopkins

Max and Karen Hopkins have been Royal Crown Diamonds with Young Living since 2006. In addition to their leadership in Young Living, they are Certified CARE Instructors, who travel across the country to teach essential oil education. These Young Living Top earners also founded Growing Healthy Homes, a publishing company focused on health and essential oil resources.

  • Country: USA

  • Estimated Monthly Earnings: $80,000

  • Estimated Yearly Earnings: $960,000


Gretchen King-Ann

Gretchen King-Ann

Gretchen King-Ann, another top Young Living earner, started her journey by using essential oils to create a healthier lifestyle for her family. Her passion for the products quickly turned into a thriving business, and she achieved the prestigious rank of Royal Crown Diamond. She is known for her down-to-earth nature. She has also authored a book “10 Oils to Help You Own a Successful Mindset” to help people with personal and professional growth.

  • Country: Hong Kong

  • Estimated Monthly Earnings: $80,000

  • Estimated Yearly Earnings: $960,000


Joanne Kan and Eric Yang

Joanne Kan and Eric Yang

Joanne Kan and Eric Yang joined Young Living back in 2011 after being impressed by the company’s transparent approach to making essential oils. These young living top earners were driven by the passion for sharing their products, and they eventually succeeded in building a young living business. Joanne has even earned the 5x5 Pledge Develop award for her efforts. Together, she and Eric lead a large team of distributors.

  • Country: Hong Kong

  • Estimated Monthly Earnings: $80,000

  • Estimated Yearly Earnings: $960,000

Latest Statistics of Top Young Living Earners

  • The highest income of Young Living Top earners, which were 0.1% of the total earners, was $ 2,439,432 at the end of 2023.

  • It takes an average of 54 months to achieve the top earner status with Young Living.

Key Success Factors of Young Living Top Earners

The success of Young Living’s top earners isn’t just a result of luck—it’s about using smart strategies and hard work. Here is a look at the key factors that have helped them reach the top

Key Success Factors of Young Living Top Earners

1. Strong Personal Branding

In network marketing, personal branding is often what makes you stand out from the crowd. Lindsay Gremont, one of the top Young Living earners, built her reputation through her blog, She shares her authentic journey to a natural lifestyle and created a personal brand that resonated deeply with her audience and led to her MLM success.

2. Effective Networking and Relationship Building

Relationships are a lifeline when it comes to network marketing. Connecting with people on a genuine level helps build trust and loyalty, which are essential for long-term success. Top Young Living earners like Joanne Kan and Eric Yang have shown that investing time in nurturing relationships within their team creates a supportive network that drives growth.

3. Proven Leadership and Mentoring

An effective leader is the key to a successful team. Young Living Top Earners Max and Karen Hopkins show you exactly how to succeed in multi-level marketing- through mentoring and leading the way. Their focus on mentoring and supporting others through their CARE classes shows that true leadership is about helping others reach their success goals.

4. Embracing Technology

Managing a large network can be challenging, but technology makes it easier. Top Young Living earners use direct selling software to streamline their operations. improve communication, and track their progress. These tools help them simplify their work and keep their businesses running smoothly, which in turn, helps them grow and stay ahead of the competition.

Moreover, the use of Young Living’s MLM Mobile app called Young Living Essentials app, has become a game-changer for top earners . It makes managing their Young Living business a breeze with real-time sales tracking, handy team management tools, and easy access to resources.

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The success of these top Young Living earners shows that excelling in network marketing goes beyond hard work, it’s about smart personal branding, genuine connections, and leading with passion. If you are ready to make your MLM goals a reality, Global MLM Software can help. Our tools are designed to make your business run smoothly and grow quickly. Get in touch today to see how we can support you on your path to success!


1. How can I effectively support and train the distributors of my MLM business to boost their performance?

To really help your distributors shine, focus on giving them solid training and support. Host regular webinars, share detailed guides, and offer personal coaching. The more tools and guidance you provide, the more confident and capable they will become.

2. What are the best practices for motivating and retaining top-performing distributors in my MLM business?

Keep your top performers engaged by celebrating their wins and offering rewards. Set clear goals and create a supportive, positive community. Share success stories and provide incentives to keep everyone excited and motivated.

3. How can I ensure my MLM compensation plan is competitive and attractive to potential distributors?

Make sure your compensation plan stands out by keeping it fair and in line with industry standards. Offer a mix of incentives, bonuses, and rewards to make it appealing for both new recruits and seasoned distributors.

Disclaimer: Global MLM Software do not endorse any companies or products mentioned in this article. The content is derived from publicly available resources and does not favor any specific organizations, individuals or products.

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